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So... How Long Have You Been Staring At That Web Builder in GHL?

How We Generate 100-200 Group Members Per Day & Convert Them Into 40-60 High Ticket Clients Each Month...

Here Is The Smart Way To Build Effective Website Layouts In The GHL Builder With No Code In Less Than 5 Minutes.

Simply Drag & Drop Your Way To A Full Website Build!

Here Is The Smart Way To Build Effective Website Layouts In The GHL Builder With No Code In Less Than 5 Minutes.

...Using Our Million Dollar Group Method!

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A HUGE Retention Secret For Marketing Agencies:

One Major Secret To Keep From Being CANCELLED:

Are you noticing clients dropping out of your SAAS? Do you see clients cutting your agency after a short time?

One minute they think your solution is amazing... then the next, they are ready to pull the plug and cancel you...

As you may know in the Agency / SAAS game it's all about building those monthly residual clients. It keeps the lights on and gives you that feeling of relief with payments coming in every month.

If you've sold agency services for any length of time, like I have, you've probably realized, no matter how good you are, you're always on the chopping block.

The average client retention rate for agencies is something like 3 to 6 months for most agencies. If that tells you anything.

People cancel you for a lot of reasons, but most of the time it boils down to two core ones:

Either A: You aren't delivering positive results.

Or B: You've made it far TOO EASY a decision to leave by not providing enough value.

Most likely you provide a great core solution. You can get positive results for them. But you are faced with one big problem:

In today's world... your clients have a lot of choice and are constantly hit with reasons to cut you.

It could be they got hit with an ad from the latest shiny object in their niche and now they want to try something new.

Maybe they went to a conference and guru Steve says it's the future to do something different or "They will be left behind."

Or maybe, my personal favorite, your client went to a BBQ with their wholly unqualified friend Stan, who says they should do something else. Now you suddenly find your expertise is questioned (despite all of your credentials and having great results for the last 6 months in a row).

This happens EVEN if you are really good.

The secret is to build a solution so powerful, they stop questioning you and never want to leave in the first place.

To where, they have an iron fence around them that they shrug off shiny objects because your system is just too valuable and does too much for them.

To where you are so engrained with the everyday running of their business, they aren't pulled astray at silly suggestions from the Stans of the world.

This is why GHL can be so freaking powerful. It gives you the ability to defend your worth all in one system and build solutions that help you keep them longer.

If you use it right.

If you want to keep clients on your SAAS, one of the keys is to build a sticky solution above and beyond the basics. Sure. The core system is pretty cool. Social integration is sticky. Chat is sticky. Funnels are cool. But every other competitor in your niche has it too in some form.

You need X factors to stand out.

You need one that gets your agency engrained in their everyday operations and is CUSTOM to you.

You see, the more value your platform brings... the harder it is for them to cancel you.

One such tactic is by including a website with your platform.

It's a VERY sticky way to keep them rocking on your SAAS or using you for the agency services.

Websites are just one of those things people don't change up regularly. If you provide that for them... they are going to have a hard time justifying a switch.

Think about it.

For them to leave your platform when you power their website too... that could cost them thousands building a new one... or a whole bunch of time they don't have.

How much better would your pitch be if on top of everything GHL has and your solution offers, you offered website builds INCLUDED. Pretty powerful right?

Now I know what you are thinking... "But, David! The challenge though... websites aren't easy or cheap to build!"

And... you'd be absolutely right.

To do it well, it takes spending significant time designing, crafting the right layouts and messaging.

You could spend days designing, taking away from your other activities. Or you could spend a fortune hiring out someone else to build it for you.

But what if I shared with you a simple way to upgrade the GHL website builder to where you could build solid websites fast without spending a fortune or having to hire it out? What if it was so easy my 10 year old could build a worldclass site in minutes?


Site Skeleton Builder Addition Snapshot

Our website builder addition you load into your client's account, Select from beautiful predesigned website elements such as navigation bars, footers, hero images, callouts, pricing tables and more. Once you find the one you want, simply drag and drop them into your site and customize it.

Membership Course

We never leave clients hanging on our builds. We always create a membership course that walks you through how to set up and use our systems.

Bonus Blog Website

A fun hack to offer a blog like solution for your clients until the official builder is ready.


Each month, we are going to add new elements to our builder and build a huge library to make it better every single month. You'll have lifetime access and get the new updates free!

For a limited time only, you can order Site Skeleton for only $497... and get all of the content above included!

Order today for only $497

Claim Your Copy Today... 

See What Others Have Said About Our Snapshots:

A HUGE Retention Secret For Marketing Agencies:

Are you noticing clients dropping out of your SAAS? Do you see clients cutting your agency after a short time?

One minute they think your solution is amazing... then the next, they are ready to pull the plug and cancel you...

As you may know in the Agency / SAAS game it's all about building those monthly residual clients. It keeps the lights on and gives you that feeling of relief with payments coming in every month.

If you've sold agency services for any length of time, like I have, you've probably realized, no matter how good you are, you're always on the chopping block.

The average client retention rate for agencies is something like 3 to 6 months for most agencies. If that tells you anything.

People cancel you for a lot of reasons, but most of the time it boils down to two core ones:

Either A: You aren't delivering positive results.

Or B: You've made it far TOO EASY a decision to leave by not providing enough value.

Most likely you provide a great core solution. You can get positive results for them. But you are faced with one big problem:

In today's world... your clients have a lot of choice and are constantly hit with reasons to cut you.

It could be they got hit with an ad from the latest shiny object in their niche and now they want to try something new.

Maybe they went to a conference and guru Steve says it's the future to do something different or "They will be left behind."

Or maybe, my personal favorite, your client went to a BBQ with their wholly unqualified friend Stan, who says they should do something else. Now you suddenly find your expertise is questioned (despite all of your credentials and having great results for the last 6 months in a row).

This happens EVEN if you are really good.

The secret is to build a solution so powerful, they stop questioning you and never want to leave in the first place.

To where, they have an iron fence around them that they shrug off shiny objects because your system is just too valuable and does too much for them.

To where you are so engrained with the everyday running of their business, they aren't pulled astray at silly suggestions from the Stans of the world.

This is why GHL can be so freaking powerful. It gives you the ability to defend your worth all in one system and build solutions that help you keep them longer.

If you use it right.

If you want to keep clients on your SAAS, one of the keys is to build a sticky solution above and beyond the basics. Sure. The core system is pretty cool. Social integration is sticky. Chat is sticky. Funnels are cool. But every other competitor in your niche has it too in some form.

You need X factors to stand out.

You need one that gets your agency engrained in their everyday operations and is CUSTOM to you.

You see, the more value your platform brings... the harder it is for them to cancel you.

One such tactic is by including a website with your platform.

It's a VERY sticky way to keep them rocking on your SAAS or using you for the agency services.

Websites are just one of those things people don't change up regularly. If you provide that for them... they are going to have a hard time justifying a switch.

Think about it.

For them to leave your platform when you power their website too... that could cost them thousands building a new one... or a whole bunch of time they don't have.

How much better would your pitch be if on top of everything GHL has and your solution offers, you offered website builds INCLUDED. Pretty powerful right?

Now I know what you are thinking... "But, David! The challenge though... websites aren't easy or cheap to build!"

And... you'd be absolutely right.

To do it well, it takes spending significant time designing, crafting the right layouts and messaging.

You could spend days designing, taking away from your other activities. Or you could spend a fortune hiring out someone else to build it for you.

But what if I shared with you a simple way to upgrade the GHL website builder to where you could build solid websites fast without spending a fortune or having to hire it out? What if it was so easy my 10 year old could build a worldclass site in minutes?


Site Skeleton Snapshot Builder Library

Our website builder addition you load into your client's account, Select from beautiful predesigned website elements such as navigation bars, footers, hero images, callouts, pricing tables and more. Once you find the one you want, simply drag and drop them into your site and customize it.

Membership Course

We never leave clients hanging on our builds. We always create a membership course that walks you through how to set up and use our systems.

Bonus: Blog Post Template

A fun hack to offer a blog like solution for your clients until the official builder is ready.


Claim Your Copy Today... 

For a limited time only, you can order Site Skeleton for just $497... and get all the content above included!

What Is The Million Dollar Group Method™?

The Million Dollar Group Method™ is our very system for...

At the time of writing these words, that's just over 15 months ago. 

In that time, we've grown our group from zero to over 28,000 members.... and it continues to grow by 100-200 new people each day. It's also one of the most active & engaged groups in our industry. 

Most importantly, it’s profitable. Very profitable. 

Within 90 days of launching our group, we were generating over $100,000 per month in revenue. 

Six months later, we crossed our first million.

Altogether, over the past 15 months, we’ve used a single group to acquire over 500 high ticket coaching clients, equating to more than $4.8 million in revenue.

Here’s what that looks like:

Included With Your Order

The Million Dollar Group Method eBook
A digital copy of the #1 best selling book in the world on how to start & grow client-getting groups.
The Million Dollar Group Method Audio Book
A digital copy of the #1 best selling book in the world on how to start & grow client-getting groups.
Breakdown Of Our $4.8 Million Group Funnel
A digital copy of the #1 best selling book in the world on how to start & grow client-getting groups.
Group Launch & Revival Templates
A digital copy of the #1 best selling book in the world on how to start & grow client-getting groups.
Group Economics Calculator
A digital copy of the #1 best selling book in the world on how to start & grow client-getting groups.
Four Client-Getting Group Case Studies
A digital copy of the #1 best selling book in the world on how to start & grow client-getting groups.

What if you could build beautiful websites in mere minutes with an innovative drag and drop builder right in GHL?


From: David M. Bustle

Louisville, KY

Dear friend,

Tired of forking out a fortune to get a website built for yourself or your clients?

How long have you sat there staring at the builder screen and thinking your design just "looks amateur?"

Here’s the MAJOR advantage:


Instead of you spending all that time designing... imagine this...

  1. You open the website builder in GHL.
  2. Pick out an element you need like a navigation bar or footer, choose from the options that are predesigned, Then drag it into the builder. .

In less than 5 minutes... you can drag and drop your way to a fully designed website layout. Just customize the predesigned elements by popping in client's branding and copy and done!

Game-changer right?!

How much easier would it be to build websites, if you could get it done in mere minutes? How much easier is drag and drop rather than trying to figure out how to make things look professional?

Here is the best part: Remember how I said websites were sticky? Use the builder to build 4- 5 different website variations for your niche quickly and include it in your snapshot and offering. Now you have a much more powerful offer that you can scale with done for you websites for your niche.

So on top of all the great lead gen you can do for them, now you can also offer full websites with your snapshot!

Or just sell websites as an upgrade!

Take that competitors! ; )

A lot of people in our community think they can sign up for SaaS and just offer the core solutions and keep customers with the standard builder...

I've got a question for you...

"How many of those home services companies , Doctors, Business owners signing up for your service are also web designers?"

My guess is not many.

That's why you either need to have a predone solution or offer an easy way for them to do it themselves.

As easy as the builder is for us veterans.... it's like a NASA spaceship cockpit for them.

You know what happens when they sit there starting at the funnel or website builder's blank page?

It stays empty. Just like your wallet will be after a few months of them paying for a service they leave blank.

Wouldn't it be great to add Site Skeleton to help them build their own site in minutes just like you can? To where your client's could also use Site Skeleton like a website wizard to drag and drop and easily build out their pages?

Either way...


Building websites on the GHL builder doesn't have to be hard anymore. As you can see in the video above, you can have agency quality design fast without the price tag with Site Skeleton.

When You Sign Up Today For Site Skeleton... Here's What You'll Get:

1 . Site Skeleton Snapshot Library

Our Site Skeleton snapshot gives the GHL builder magical powers with a built in library of drag & drop elements.

Simply load it into the account you want to create a website in and choose from predesigned elements like:

Navigation Bars

Hero Images

Welcome Messages

Text Blocks

Image Blocks

Feature Section

Call To Action section

Testimonial section

Pricing Tables

Body Content



And More!

You'll have everything you need to drag and drop your way to a full website build! Mix and match elements, Fully customize with new colors or branding. It's fast easy and makes building websites a breeze!

Value: $2,500 / Month

2 . Membership Site

We always build our snapshots with a membership site that walks you through how to get it rolling step by step.

We don't leave you hanging like other builders in the community.

Value: Priceless! ; )

3 . Snapshot Updates - HUGE!

We will be building new elements regularly to add in to make it better and better! You'll get them totally free as new content comes out! Our goal is to build over 1,000 elements this year!

We also have an exclusive Site Skeleton request feature, where you can submit Site Skeleton ideas. See a website section that you like? Think it needs a feature upgrade? We have a form for members where you can submit ideas for us to build in!

We want to build the ultimate builder addition, so we are all ears! Simply fill out the form, pop in a screenshot and link and we will definitely take it into consideration to build into the next release! (We will release them Bi- monthly for the foreseeable future).

Claim Yours Today... 

For a limited time only, you can get your own access to Site Skeleton today for only $497

Claim Your Digital Copy Now and Get This FREE Bonus!

Bonus: Blog Website Theme

"Want to offer a blog with your website in the GHL builder?"

Total Value: $300.00

As you may know GHL doesn't have a native blog type platform. Many of your clients want them and understand the importance of having one. We built a blog theme that you can include to give them the functionality today.

Get This For FREE When You Order Site Skeleton!

Here's EVERYTHING You Get When You Order Site Skeleton Today!

Here's EVERYTHING You Get When You Order Site Skeleton Today!

  • Site Skeleton Snapshot (PRICELESS!)
  • Membership Course ($300.00 Value)
  • Blog Website Theme ($197.00 Value)
  • Lifetime Updates (PRICELESS)

Get Everything Above For

Only $497!

Delivered Fast! Start designing today!

Thanks For Taking The Time To Read This Letter & We Hope You Enjoy Site Skeleton!

- The Agency Armory Guy,

David M. Bustle

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

We're selling our Site Skeleton Snapshot for GHL Agencies for a one time fee of $497.

It gives your GHL builder magical superpowers to build websites fast with drag and drop predesigned website elements. In a quick nutshell... you can build top notch website layouts fast.

So, click the button below now to claim your access. You're absolutely gonna love it. 

Claim Your Copy Of Site Skeleton...

Order Today For Only $497!

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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this page and discussed in the training curriculum are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE FROM AGENCY ARMORY.